Alles over kunst


Instanbul Biënnale 2015

Praktische info

14th Istanbul Biennial ‘Tuzlus / Saltwater’ tot 1 november in Istanbul.

De toenemende politieke input in de beeldende kunst, als een teken van maatschappelijk ongenoegen, bereikt op de Biënnale van Istanbul 2015, in alle sereniteit weliswaar, een omvang van formaat.

Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev: "It is hard to do a biennale now, because the way that art is going the most sensitive artists are interested in withdrawal, retreat, and moving far from the limelight and the spectacle in forms of resistance to the consumption of art that is associated with the rise of the art fairs."

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Adrián Villar Rojas, ‘The most Beautiful of All Mothers’, 2015, site-specific installation, organic and inorganic materials, courtesy Istanbul Biennale
Aslı Çavuşoğlu, ‘Red / Red’ 2015; Armenian and Turkish red on worn-out papers and worn-out handmade notebooks, variable dimensions, courtesy Istanbul Biennale