Alles over kunst


Recognition Award for Denitsa Todorova

Denitsa Todorova, a Belgian artist with Bulgarian origin, was awarded one of the four Recognition Awards from the STRABAG ArtAward International. The Award ceremony took place on June 8, 2017 at the STRABAG Artlounge in Vienna. Award winner is Julia Steiner (CH).

In 2017 applications were received from 546 artists. The eight jury members – including representatives from each participating country – viewed all eligible entries and after extensive discussion and voting the prizewinner and the four recipients of recognition prizes were chosen.

Statement of the jury: ‘Denitsa Todorova seems to follow the traces of existing images. Her pencil drawings, on very fragile paper, use abstract forms to create the blurry contours of images, as if seen through a haze. Here and there, at isolated points, color seems to flash up, like memories of reflections.’

The works of all the award-winning artists are exhibited at the STRABAG Artlounge in Vienna, till June 9 - August 25, 2017.

Next to that Denitsa is granted a solo exhibition in the STRABAG Artlounge, as part of the Recognition Award. The Opening Solo show is on January 11, 2018.

In 2017, the STRABAG ArtAward was awarded for the twenty-second time. It was first instituted as an Austrian art prize, initially awarded in Spittal/Drau and later in Vienna. In 2009, the prize was expanded to include international artists.

Denitsa Todorova, ‘Eternal’, 2017, courtesy The White House Gallery